Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Links and information from EagleLink 1st Zoomboree Oct 8 2021 and Takun Rescue Zoom Oct 19 2021

*EagleLink 1st Zoomboree Oct 8 2021*


Link to Video Recording of Eaglelink 1st Zoomboree Oct 8 2021. Pictures and further Zoomborees to follow




Password : Eaglezoom1


Here's the important follow ups to our wonderful 1st Zoomboree on Friday Oct 8th, for which we wish to thank everyone (1) We had a total of 52 participants (2) While I gathered all the contents, thanks to Kai Cheong who took care of the technical stuff and Kenneth who did his magic with the presentation, and to Huoi Seong who gave his presentation on our project "call to pro-active action for our community and our beloved nation' to all Eagle Scouts (3) We will send a message for those who're interested to participate in this project either as committee members or as supporters (4) To those of you who may want to download a video recording of the Zoomboree (it's 612 MB, what we provided earlier was just the link to the video which will disappear at some point in time), please whatsapp your email ID to me, Chin Kee, at +61415075926 and I will send you a link with access to your email ID


*EagleLink Takun Rescue Zoom Oct 19 2021*


Here's the link to the recording of the Takun Resciue zoom meeting (780Mb!): https://bit.ly/3DQTliY

Daniel Ong
(Please do consider joining our EagleLink Whatsapp or Facebook groups if you haven't)

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